German photographer, specializing in portrait, landscape, and documentary photography through long-term projects


Patrick Bienert is a German photographer, who works on long-term projects of portrait, landscape and documentary photography. He studied photography at the Staatliche Lehranstalt für Fotografie in Munich. His photographic longterm projects are grounded on cultures and identity in relation to the history and its traces between the land and its inhabitants. He predominantly documents youth culture and transformation on the borders of Eastern Europe. Bienert has published the books Wake up Nights (2017), about the young nightlife culture in Ukraine. East End of Europe (2020) about a pro-European generation in Georgia. Happy Springs (2023), forms a collective portrait of being young in Ukraine. Photographed along the banks of the Dnipro River and the beaches of the Black Sea. His fourth book Armenia (2024) follows a journey from the northern to the southern parts of the country. His work has been exhibited in Paris, Tbilisi, London, Tunis, Athens, Geneva, Rovinj, Munich, and Berlin. Editorial projects have been have been published in The New York Times Magazine, M le magazine du Monde, Double Magazine, Luncheon Magazine, Document Journal, The Atlantic and Zeit Magazin.